The Journal of V & V

marriage... the bitter-sweet pill of familiarity and day-to-day life... the end of romance? a new journey of strife?

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


When I held the small envolope with the " On Government Service" printed on it, i knew it was from the Prisons and didn't feel good about it. Normally, i would receive a 4R-size envolope.. Somehow, I knew that I was not going to make it. Yah.. they rejected my application due to medical reasons. Very disappointed.....

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

VirGin hAiR nO MorE

I had my hair coloured in burgandy last night.. Excellent job done by Baby, with some supervision from Princess. Can't really see the difference from my original black unless me stand under the light. Veo don't like the idea of dyeing hair, cos it ain't natural. I really need to have it dyed cos i hate the white strands of hair on my fringe (telltale signs of aging and to be wiser,some may say) . I really had a hard time pulling or getting rid of it cos they are so very short! And it getting too obvious. Simply irritates me! Veo ever mentioned that there's an old Chinese belief saying that if u pull a single strand, 3 will be grow.. well, it may be true leh.. so,to leave it alone, with more whites on the fringe will make me look like Rogue, from X'Men .. not bad too.. fesyen seh.. or to solve my hair woes, colour it! I chose the latter.. hehehe vain hor ! May consider re-coating it with Deep Burgandy as suggested by Princess, cos she said it's not outstanding enuff.

Veo's back from his night shift and he's ill.. MC tonight yeah!

Monday, August 16, 2004


Went to catch the last day of the fireworks festival with baby & Siti's x-colleague, the youthful Hariana(sp?) plus her beautiful kids. Hariana's husband Genghis Khan(!), cool & soft-spoken guy btw, got us special access to the roof of the finger pier so we can catch all the pyrotechnics from an excellent vantage point.

It was a rather short 10minutes display but I can safely say that we loved every single minute of it. For me, the colours and the sound from the explosions never fail to give me a rush. And I was taking pictures with my digicam the whole time, trying out different settings, and learning something new about my camera again.

The night didn't end there. We said goodbye to Genghis & family and proceed to the Harbourfront to shop for awhile. I spent some time looking parking again, and this particular high-rise carpark brings back memories of me coming here a few years back with my 1st car. So I quite enjoyed the whole thing and I went right up to the top just for the fun of it.

My Sgt's 'bbq' plan was scrapped due to extremely poor planning and execution. Imagine, we don't know where we want to do it yet (last minute ideas like Sentosa, Seletar, Changi, East Coast Park popped up). Buying ALL the necessary utensils, equipments, charcoal, and what not at the very last minute. And what do we have to bbq? A few miserable crab-sticks, fishball, hotdogs. When I looked at it, I don't know if I should laugh or cry! She didn't look too thrilled by our suggestions of movie and games either.

So instead, we went over to the 24hr makan place near NUS. Baby was eating like a chipmunk and talking with her mouth full, it was so funny to watch. She bit her lip and I could tell she was pissed. I should have told her another of my life stories... I once bit my lip on the same spot 3 times in the same meal, and yet I lived... the amazing thing I realized at that time is that, instead of getting pissed and starting to curse and swear, I just rolled my eyes in pain and discomfort, and just carried on with my food. Guess I have changed.

After makan, we had so much fun at the WCP playground. I got the girls to climb up onto the pyramid. Not bad. Although I found out that I am not as strong as I use to be. There's this verticle rope which, when I was in NS, I was able to climb up by just using my hands. And that is with all my army uniform and heavy boots on. Last night, I can't even pull myself up a little bit. Time to build up my fitness soon.

The rest of the night, or early morning, passed by in a blur, as I was half-asleep, haha.... zzZzzz...

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Random thoughts -- Elements

some people believe that our world and life itself is sustained by and revolves around the four elements, namely, Earth, Wind, Fire, & Water.

While the orientals are a little more detailed, classifying them into jing, mu, shui, huo, tu. Which literally means metal, wood, water, fire, earth.

I'm not gonna delve into all the different ancient beliefs and the balance, and what they all represent. Because I know nothing about this subject.

But I would like to, by using these elements, try to describe in brief our character. Don't take it as the absolute fact. Because I don't think I can even safely say that I know myself well. But we're getting there.


Earth - rich, damp soil, giving life.
Wind - a typhoon, or tornado. Fast and furious, sweeping you off your feet. Dies off quickly.
Fire - a bonfire, where people will naturally want to gather 'round to seek warmth. Goes down in a blaze of glory.
Water - Like the rain, can be un-predictable at times. Refreshing & fun.
Metal - mercury/quicksilver. Unstable, not able to stay still or focused in its form.


Earth - concrete. Cold & calculated, but always a firm foundation for you to stand on.
Wind - a quiet, gentle breeze. You won't notice its there, but it is.
Fire - a single candle in a dark room.
Water - the ocean. Holds alot, deep. Looks still. But fully capable of the occasional tidal waves and raging storms.
Metal - Lead. Heavy, dense, stable, boring.

Of course, I could be wrong. Comments?

Friday, August 13, 2004

when ah beng rocker... Posted by Hello

meets chio mina... Posted by Hello

Siti's last day at SingTel

Today is her last day in SingTel. I'm feeling both happy & sad for her. Happy because I have believed from the very beginning that her talents and capabilities are woefully under-utilized in the role that she's given.

Teaching was so far the most fulfilling job for her I think. Whether it was her times spent with the preschool/day-care Adelfibel or ChongFu Primary. She really had a positive influence on many a rebellious and hyper-active kids. So much so that parents enquire about what or who had caused their kid's change in behaviour. She also has a genuine love and affection for the children. And I'm very certain she's the only such teacher to openly show such love for the children by giving them tight, big hugs and kisses all over their faces, and of course asking for the same in return. Those days, I feel, were her happiest times at work. But then the downside is that the pay was pretty miserable. But now that I look back, at least she was happy... which, to me, is the most important thing that money can't buy.

At ChongFu, she amazingly had the same positive influence on everyone around her. Her peers felt her passion, and her students feared (thanks to my tips) , respected, and liked her. But, alas, the schedule was hectic, and the work pushes the limits of what her poor health can take. To make things worse, not having a recognized teaching certification means that it is more like a contract job rather than a career for her. And, at that time, we couldn't afford the time and money for her to embark on such courses.

So now that she's leaving SingTel, I feel that the time is right. The vibes that she's getting from the management seems to tell her so. And I'm all for it. To put her behind a mic, sitting in call center, isolated from the outside world is, to me, too stifling for a character as lively and bubbly as her. She might as well have joined the prisons! She needs to get out and see some action, although I think this prisons thing warrants a second thought. Can you live without your mobile-phone for the whole working day for, say, the next 5 to 7 years? You can't even carry the phone around, so forget about even reading those SMSes. Think twice my dear.

As for SingTel, I'm sure she had gained so much valuable life experiences. Met so many colourful characters, and I tell you, in her eyes there are no good or bad friends/colleagues, she loves them all. To her, all you people are just unique individuals with very different personalities. She cherished every moment spent with her friends. Everyone has something interesting and likeable about them. So to all those out there who has been genuinely nice to her, I thank you.

So why do I feel sad for her leaving? That's because she really loved this job. And she is pretty good at it, too. Moreover, this job is much less taxing physically. Plus she has so many big sisters who showered her with love and care. I know that TEPL will never be the same again with the livewire gone. Such is the glow that she brings to wherever she goes.

So its goodbye, and farewell to all who matters. Thanks for the memories, good and bad. Au revoir, till we meet again...

Thursday, August 12, 2004


Yes I am looking forward to my new job and it's gonna be a different sort of experience... and some have even started saluting me as Sgt. heheh.. I know Kevin hopes that this time it will not be another "three second excitement" .. We have, somewhat, prepared for this and I want to thank u for ur understanding,support and believing in me.

This afternoon in the office, I wanted to post a message to my colleagues, but i was overwhelmed with emotions.. i felt so sad and have to run to the toilet .. I'm gonna miss friends @ TEPL and SPC.. as I am writing now, too .. i can't stop feeling sad and wanting to cry....

I know, Salbiah, my mentor.. will be one who is going to break down & cry real bad. During the SARS period,last yr .. I remembered she was crying so badly when we have to be separated for 3 mths . What more this.. forever... hai.. think this Friday must wear raincoat, bring umbrella... lots of tissue paper . TEPL going to have a FLOOD.

Dear Salbiah, if u are reading this.. i want to thank u for ur guidance, be it , for work or matters in my life. You have always been there for me shld i need advise. I admire your strength and determination when faced with difficult times. Do remember us cos we can never forget you.

There's a whole lotz of people that will always stay in my heart and mind.. and I want to say thanks to but its too many of them! If I were to leave any one name out, i may hurt her feelings..( u know what i mean.. ) so i think i will go to them personnally on my last day, Friday, the 13th.


Sunday, August 08, 2004

Ready for action?

To our friends and loved ones.

We are going to get very busy pretty soon. The frequency of our separation gets higher, and the duration longer. It is going to be quite difficult for us, at least for the coming few months, to spend much time together. What with her going for 'BMT' soon and me the 'refresher' tour of duty.

Worse thing is, she won't be able to use her mobile AT ALL for the most part of the day. And she will probably start her training for her new career before I finish my "old man's training". That means I will have to do lots of housework for the coming 4 months or so. Yikes!!

I will leave my soldier-boy tales here (if I'm not too lazy), as will vix her BMT adventures. I'm very sure she will enjoy the new experiences. And hopefully she can stay committed this time. Can you, my love?

I have set up this blog for you and I so you can share your stories here with your frenz and I.
Feel free to give the blog addy to any of your frenz and family.

We welcome all comments.

p.s.: Vixen is just the name of an all-girl rock band in the 80's, and veola means... well, those who know me well should know, go figure!